Where can I buy a sofa in Dingwall ?
Buying a sofa near Dingwall
Harveys Furniture
Address of sales outlet : UNIT 2 / TELFORD STREET / - IV3 Inverness
Phone number : 01463711010 -
Harveys Furniture
Address of sales outlet : UNIT D / CARSEGATE ROAD / TELFORD RETAIL PARK / - IV3 Inverness
Phone number : 01463714715 -
Address of sales outlet : Unit 10 Inverness Ret & Bus Pk / Eastfield Way - IV2 Inverness
Phone number : 08456407245 -
Address of sales outlet : 20 Edgar Rd / - IV30 Elgin
Phone number : 08456407616
This is a non-exhaustive list of sales outlets for buying a sofa in Dingwall. We cannot guarantee that every sales outlet actually has a sofafor sale, but these sales outlets are the most likely for this product.